
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Global Financial Institutions Essay

This paper briefly presents the role of global financial institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and Asian Development Bank in the global financing; and examines briefly their influence on exchange rate. International Monetary Fund (IMF) Established in 1944, the IMF has a headquarters in Washington DC. , employs 2,596 staff from 146 countries, and is owned and financed by 185 member countries (IMF, 2008). Its main task is to ensure the stability of the international monetary system—â€Å"the system of exchange rates and international payments that enables countries to buy goods and services from each other† (IMF, 2008). To maintain stability in the international monetary system, it provides (1) advice on appropriate social and economic policies, (2) financing to help member countries cope with balance of payments problems when foreign exchange payments exceed foreign exchange earnings, and (3) technical assistance and training to build needed expertise and institutions to attain economic growth (IMF, 2006). To maintain exchange rate stability, member countries prior to 1971 pegged their exchange rates that could only be adjusted with the IMF’s agreement. Since 1971, member countries can freely select any type of exchange rate arrangement: â€Å"allowing the currency to float freely; pegging it to another currency or a basket of currencies; adopting the currency of another country; or participating in a currency bloc† (IMF, 2006). The World Bank (the Bank) The Bank, established in 1944, has a headquarters in Washington DC with more than 100 country offices, and employs about 10,000 staff. It is owned and financed by 187 member countries (World Bank, 2008). The Bank is made up of two development institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and (2) the International Development Association (IDA). Each institution has a role in achieving the Bank’s mission of reducing global poverty and improving living standards. The IBRD is responsible for middle income poor countries, while IDA caters to the needs of the poorest countries in the world. Both provide interest-free credit and grants, and low-interest loans to developing countries for infrastructure, health, education, communications, and other purposes (World Bank, 2008). The Bank provides â€Å"local cost financing for projects in non-CFP borrowing countries† with clear indirect foreign costs and â€Å"if a specific project has too little foreign exchange cost to permit the Bank to achieve its project objectives by foreign exchange financing alone† (World Bank, 2007). It also has a project preparation facility that finances foreign exchange costs (World Bank, 2007). Asian Development Bank (ADB) Established in 1966, ADB has a headquarters in Manila with 26 country offices, and employs more than 2,400 staff. It is owned and financed by 67 members with 48 members from the region and other members from other parts of the world (ADB, 2008). As an international development finance institution, it helps its developing member countries reduce poverty and enhance people’s quality of life. It provides assistance to the public sector through grants, low-interest loans, advice, and knowledge as well as to private enterprises through loans, guarantees, and equity investments (ADB, 2008). In making direct loans, ADB assumes the foreign exchange risks involved in private sector operations, but not in public sector lending. To address the foreign exchange risks (e. g. , foreign exchange fluctuations between loan approved amount and disbursement), ADB introduced the LIBOR-based loan, which allows borrowing countries to match the procurement currencies with loan denomination currencies, or convert the loan denomination currencies at any time to match the revenue denomination currencies (ADB, 2004). ADB may also provide financing to meet the â€Å"indirect foreign exchange cost of items procured in local currency for ADB-financed projects with foreign exchange costs† (ADB, 2003). References Asian Development Bank (2008). About ADB. Retrieved June 16, 2008, from http://www. adb. org/About/default. asp. Asian Development Bank (2004, July 1). Foreign exchange risk. Retrieved June 16, 2008, from http://www. adb. org/Documents/Manuals/Operations/OMH07_1apr04. pdf. Asian Development Bank (2003, October 29). Financing indirect foreign exchange cost of projects. Retrieved June 16, 2008, from http://www. adb. org/Documents/Manuals/Operations/OMH07_1apr04. pdf. International Monetary Fund (2008, May). IMF at a glance. Retrieved June 12, 2008, from http://www. imf. org/external/np/exr/facts/glance. htm. International Monetary Fund (2006, September 30). What is IMF? Retrieved June 12, 2008, from http://www. imf. org/external/pubs/ft/exrp/what. htm/. The World Bank (2008). About us. Retrieved June 16, 2008, from http://web. worldbank. org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTABOUTUS/0,,pagePK:50004410~piPK:36602~theSitePK:29708,00. html The World Bank (2007, March 23). Specific expenditure eligibility and cost sharing requirements for investment projects in countries without approved country financing parameters. Retrieved June 16, 2008, from http://wbln0018. worldbank. org/Institutional/Manuals/OpManual. nsf/22b87a45c65c

Bureaucracy, Intelligence and Homeland Security Essay

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 shook the nation to its core. Politicians felt a tremendous pressure not only to go on the attack against the terrorists, but also to secure the homeland. As a result the United States’ government responded the way it often does in a crisis – It created a huge new bureaucracy. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was designed to consolidate dozens of agencies under one roof. Theoretically this would streamline the process of protecting the homeland. The Intelligence Act of 2004 was designed to better focus this process while also protecting the civil rights of Americans. Proponents of the DHS argue that there has not been a major attack on American soil since 2001. This presents an incomplete picture of the security landscape however. DHS is still very much a work in progress. It has been plagued by numerous well-publicized problems. The Department of Homeland Security has not met the strategic goals and objectives set forth in the Intelligence Reform Act of 2004. Therefore, the DHS has not successfully provided national security. The Act and the Bureaucracy The consolidation of so many agencies under one roof was unprecedented in Washington. Early fears that the bureaucracy would be so unwieldy as to be out of control seemed to be justified. After 9/11 the government felt an intense pressure to do something. The lack of coordination between agencies was exposed by these attacks. Creation of the DHS was an attempt to remedy this problem, but the agency itself was a massive undertaking. In many ways it is an agency still trying to find its footing. The DHS began operations in 2003 with more than 180. 000 employees (Brzezinski, 2004). It oversees dozens of agencies with a dizzying array of responsibilities. From the start the agency has worked against long odds and excessive expectations. There is a gap between what the public expects of DHS and what DHS actually believes it can do. This makes it even more difficult for the DHS to operate effectively. A well known axiom within the intelligence community states that â€Å"The terrorists only have to be right once – we have to be right every time†. Meanwhile the American public is intolerant of failure. The reality that eventually the terrorists will succeed again is not well understood. In fact, â€Å"The very notion of trying to design a zero-terrorist-risk environment is dangerously futile† (Brzezinski, 2004). As the DHS scuffled through its first few years, Congress and the American people became impatient. In 2004 Congress took action to reform the DHS and the intelligence and security apparatus. In an effort to re-focus DHS activities to the modern threat environment, Congress passed the Intelligence Reform Act of 2004. The Act revised a number of provisions of the National Security Act of 1947. It set guidelines for information sharing, inter-agency cooperation and covert operations. Five years later some of its provisions have been addressed; many have not. Prevention and Preparation The Department of Homeland Security is a vast organization with a vast number of duties. It is responsible for both day-to-day protection of the homeland and strategic long-term efforts to prevent terrorism in the future. Additionally it must respond to attacks already under way and is often called in on natural disaster situations. DHS duties on any given day include, but are not limited to: †¦ screening 1. 5 million airline passengers [and] inspecting 57,006 shipping containers†¦ very day DHS reviews 2200 intelligence reports. [It] stands watch over 8,000 federal facilities and pieces of critical infrastructure. (Brzezinski, 2004) The Intelligence Reform Act of 2004 was intended to further streamline inter-agency cooperation between the many departments of the DHS. In some cases, such as the apprehension of alleged terrorist cells in Buffalo, NY and Miami, FLA, better cooperation has been evident. However, reports of turf wars and lack of cooperation still surface periodically. In some cases the DHS has had a tin ear in regards to Congress and the American people. Frequent news stories have made the public aware of the vulnerability of U. S. ports. Only a tiny percentage of the cargo that passes through these ports is screened. Technology and manpower to do so thoroughly are still limited. In response to public pressure, Congress strengthened port security provisions in the Intelligence Reform Act of 2004. The response from DHS was anything but urgent: The Department (Homeland Security) resisted 100 percent screening and offered a half measure involving known shippers†¦ Congress in 2007 mandated full inspection of shipping containers, which has not yet been implemented. (Clarke, 2008) The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is primarily responsible for both passenger and cargo security. It defends its record by pointing to several accomplishments. These include: screening of 700,000 port workers and issuing of directives mandating 100% screening of â€Å"high risk† cargo (The Library of Congress, 2004). These efforts still fall short of what Congress has mandated. Much recent focus has gone into the issue of border security. DHS has made progress on, but not completed a border fence. Border Patrol personnel have been increased. Technology for detecting illegal entry is improving, including the use of Predator drones to detect illegal crossers so Border Patrol can then be deployed. In response to criticism the DHS and ICE, its immigration division, have been forced to end the â€Å"catch and release† policy that was in place for many years. According to the DHS, the number of illegal aliens interdicted at the border has decreased. DHS and the border patrol claim this as evidence that their efforts are successful. It is likely, however, that additional factors explain the decrease in interdictions. Events in Mexico, the downturn in the U.  S. economy and more sophisticated means of entering the country also play a role. The FBI and CIA in tandem with local police are employing more sophisticated surveillance and search tools as well as providing security at large events that could be inviting targets for terrorists. Infrastructure security has improved but many important locations still lack adequate security. These include local water/sewer plants, electrical grids, mass transit systems and energy facilities. In the process of trying to provide such protections the DHS has had to face criticism from civil libertarians. An ongoing debate continues about where national security crosses the line into being an erosion of hard-earned American civil rights. This debate is likely to continue in perpetuity. The changing landscapes of threat and fear alter the position of that line. After the 9/11 attacks, Americans were much more willing to trade civil rights for a perceived sense of security. In the years since many of the actions taken during that time, such as domestic warrantless wire tapping and random airport searches have come under heavy criticism. It is likely that the DHS is engaging in a number of unknown activities that would be highly disturbing to the general public. This has always been true of the American intelligence and security establishment. There is no evidence that these activities are any worse or more prevalent since the founding of the DHS. In defense of the DHS, the organization must toe a slippery line. It is expected to take extraordinary measures to protect the nation. What is too extraordinary is never well-defined or unchanging. Bang for the Buck? The Department of Homeland Security has not been without certain successes. The Science and Technology Directorate has been a standout among the many branches of DHS. Composed of some of the finest minds in the world, the Directorate has made significant advances in a number of different areas targeted toward fulfillment of the Intelligence Act of 2004. The US-VISIT program has made progress in the area of VISA overstays. Behavior spotting software is helping agents at ports of entry to identify and address suspicious behavior. DNA mapping technology is helping to more quickly identify biological agents and assess any potential threat. At the same time an early warning system for these agents is in development. All of these developments have both civilian and military applications. On the forefront of information security is the Einstein 3 project currently undergoing testing. A Washington Post report describes the initiative this way: â€Å"the plan called for telecommunications companies to route the Internet traffic of civilian agencies through a monitoring box that would search for and block computer codes designed to penetrate or otherwise compromise networks† (Nakashima, 2009). If successful, Einstein 3 could help ensure secrecy of vital infrastructure and security information. This is all the more important in light of recent reports of widespread hacking of government computers. Analysts suspect, but are still unable to prove, that North Korean or Chinese hackers are responsible for the repeated breaches in security. The American public may have assumed that the founding of DHS represented a massive financial investment in America’s security. In reality, the DHS budget is not substantially more than its individual agencies were already receiving. The truth of the matter is that Homeland Security is a shoestring operation† (Brzezinski, 2004). This explains a lot about why measures deemed critical and necessary in 2001, and again in 2004, still have not been implemented. The agency is supposed to be free of the turf wars that plagued the intelligence community in the past. Because the individual agencies still lobby for a limited amount of funds this is not the reality. The harshest critics of the agency believe that is too much about appearing to do something and not enough about actually doing something. The confusing color-coded terror warning system is one such example. Col. David Hunt (ret. ) writes of such efforts: â€Å"Colors, duct tape and wooden desks don’t stop 10 – kiloton bombs or terrorists† (2005). With a new administration in power the DHS is considering dropping or altering the color-code warning system. Each time the alert system is raised costs are incurred by local, state and federal governments. The public has become oblivious to the system since specific information about the threat or what to do are never given. The ability of Americans to travel freely is the key to its future prosperity. For that reason a great deal of attention has been given to transportation links such as railroads, subways and airlines. The results have been mixed. Airport security, perhaps the most visible of DHS efforts has come under withering criticism. Inevitably errors will make better news than successes. The errors are numerous however, and come not only in the execution of policy but in the policies themselves. For example: â€Å"Our government keeps no fewer than twelve watch lists that we can choose from. Mind you, not one consolidated list; that would be too easy† (Hunt, 2005). Much of airport security has been federalized, but that does not mean the system is operating smoothly. The watch lists are anything but accurate. Babies and young children have been flagged. Even a U. S. Representative, Sen. Edward Kennedy was stopped because he somehow appeared on a list. Random checks that result in searches of senior citizens, disabled people and children have been a public relations nightmare for the TSA, the organization within DHS responsible for travel safety. Coping with these problems makes the jobs of airport screeners, many of whom are still being trained, all the more difficult. The TSA has required airlines to make certain security changes like locking cabin doors. On a random number of flights an armed federal air marshal is seated in the cabin. The prevalence of these marshals is a secret held tightly by the TSA. Random security checks run by independent agencies still raise concerns about the ease of getting potentially dangerous material on board domestic aircraft. Meanwhile the lack of a terrorist incident since the attempted shoe bombing by Richard Reid has led to a false sense of security. Since the border issue reached critical mass during the second term of President George W. Bush spending on border security has increased. Critics worry that this increase has come at the expense of other critical DHS efforts. â€Å"Department officials concede that most of the Homeland Security money is being funneled into one mission – controlling the border with Mexico† (Alden, 2008). The DHS and border patrol are fulfilling mandates of the Intelligence Reform Act of 2004. But lack funding to complete many other initiatives. Analysis and Conclusion The Department of Homeland Security was proposed as an organization free of political influence. The reality is much different. A giant organization with tentacles stretching in numerous directions is inevitably political when funding for it is limited. DHS has the problems of any other Washington bureaucracy. The organization has garnered mixed reviews from independent analysts. To date there has not been another serious terrorist attack in the United States since 2001. A number of Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda- inspired cells have been infiltrated and brought to justice. The DHS should be given credit where credit is due in that regard. At the same time the actions of DHS have raised concerns that the civil rights of Americans are being eroded. It is also misleading to assume that the lack of attacks since 2001 is a strong indicator that the country is safe. In fact it is dangerous to assume so. The efforts of U. S. forces overseas probably have had as much to do as anything with the lack of attacks on American soil. At the same time, the enemy who successfully executed the 9/11 attacks did so after years of planning. It is very likely that they, or some other enemy is studying the cracks in the Homeland Security apparatus in preparation for a future attack. This is a 21st century reality. DHS was given license after 9/11 to take shortcuts around the civil rights of individuals in the name of national security. Each successive generation of Americans will have to decide what they are willing to give up for a sense of security that may or may not be realistic. Has the DHS protected America from terrorist attacks? Yes and no. Some of the actions it has taken have had clear-cut results. Others have not. Can it protect the homeland for the foreseeable future? Probably not. The DHS has not met many of its original mandates, as well as the mandates from the Intelligence Reform Act of 2004. In certain instances it has shown the kind of bureaucratic inflexibility that allowed for the 9/11 attacks to take place. The American government has to be right every time – The terrorists only have to be right once.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Public Libraries: The Way To Human Understanding Essay

A Discussion on the Process of Human Intelligence and Its Progress Knowledge is one primary reason why the human society continues to advance in terms of understanding and comprehension of advancement. This is the reason why governments around the world are already aiming to increase their competencies in terms of educational progress among their human population. It is innate among humans to be fascinated by the different things that they particularly see around them. It could not be denied then that through the years, this particular fascination within the different elements that could be seen in the human environment actually developed into the many discoveries and inventions that humans produced.   Through passing civilization of humans, it could be observed that the people were never contented with what they already have or what they have already accomplished. This is especially true in terms of science and technology as well as in arts and literature. It is indeed undeniable that people recreate the things that are already existent within their own society.   The fact that they have already been able to see what they could do regarding a certain type of field, they intend to even do better the net time that they deal with the same invention. Yes, humans never get tired of reinventing everything there is in the environment. Why is this so? Human intelligence has always been noted by philosophers as the primary factor that makes the human creation different from that of the other God-made creations. The humans’ ability to innovate their own achievements to even better results for the present generation to see, has particularly noted them to be those who are capable of reinventing themselves to be able to evolve from generations to generations. To discuss this particular fact further, take an example of the human literature. It is overwhelming enough to see that the society today is already flooded by the informations that are presented to humans through the printed pages of literature. More than that, the emergence of internet technology has paved the way even for amateur writers to make mention of their thoughts to the world for them to be appreciated and particularly affect other’s opinions as well. Literature before was primarily defined as an art of writing that follows certain rules that are strict enough to keep its standards within the classical range of reading. However, when the different generations along with the historical events covered the human generation’s development, the art of literature became one of the major process by which humans intended to express their thoughts and their predicaments about the things that are going on in the world. As a result, more and more people joined the bandwagon of writing and began to share their thoughts to the world with regards the issues that primarily concern the human society today. This particular progress in literature has primarily been further fueled by the democratic arrangement of the major governments around the world, giving a chance for the freedom of human expression. It is through this that people became more aware of the world around them, they cared more than ever with the political agendas, the social issues as well as other informations that concern their interests. True, the changing situation in the society and the demand towards progress requires that human intelligence be perfected in a way that it particularly caters to the needs of the entire humanity. The human brain’s ability to store and restructure informations that were accepted by it through the years of an individual’s life is particularly a proof that the application of humans’ intelligence could still be perfected as generations are still to come along. Public libraries are continuously assisting in the process of actually making it possible for humans to make considerable progress in terms of knowing what is present within the society that they are living in. Both young and poor are likely to have better chances of understanding the society through the existence of public libraries. Funding for these types of public institutions serve as primary investments on the part of the   different governments around the world as they are certainly to make great impact to the people, educating them with the knowledge that they ought to understand and apply in further practical actuality in the society for the sake of progress.   References: Robert J. Sternberg. (1989). Handbook of Human Intelligence. Cambridge University Press.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Three possible remedies that Smithville Industrial Chemical Essay

Three possible remedies that Smithville Industrial Chemical - Essay Example The main mistake that was made by the Smithville Industrial Chemical Company was that it did not monitor the environmental sustainability quotients and mechanisms employed in the respective factories. This is the main reason as to why the owner of the Smithville Industrial Chemical Company could not respond adequacy to the allegations of the water in the area being polluted by the wastages disposed by the factories of the company. Had the owner of the company kept a proper track on its production and operations processes including the wastage management, waste disposal and sustainability initiatives, and then he would not have to be surprised and worried by the allegations made by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This would not only have saved the time and effort of the public, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the company itself abut would also have helped the faster functioning of the Department of Natural Resource and identification of the actual cause of the problem . This would have subsequently helped to provide a clean chit to the alleged company, Smithville Industrial Chemical Company. The false identification of the source of hazard resulted in the delayed identification of the actual cause of the problem. In the situations of the local people being unable to use the water resources, time was an important factor for consideration in the complaint and conflict management processes. Therefore, this can be identified to be a major mistake on the part of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Representations of Islam in the media Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Representations of Islam in the media - Article Example The issue of Islamophobia has been the subject of media reporting, especially since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the USA, which shifted the war on terrorism and terrorist activities from just mere focus on terrorists and their ideologies, to delve further into the issue of Islam as a religion, and how its doctrines are in line with the holy war, normally referred to as the Jihad. The articles are meant for the benefit of both the Christians and the Muslims, acting as a basis through which the two religions should engage in constructive dialogue, towards reverting to their earlier cordial relationship. According to (Ridgeon & Schmidt-Leukel, 2006), in both Christian and Islam religions, â€Å"there were and are times of peaceful existence† p137, meaning the same can coexist today peacefully. Thus, the articles are in the best interest of both the Islam and Christian religions, and the texts serve to present a view that the world can be peaceful. These texts are po sitioned to enable the readers to respond to the present media reporting regarding Islam, through presenting the knowledge that despite the differences occurring in both religions, they can still coexist (Pratt, 2005). However, the texts points to the existence of gap, in the understanding of the Islam doctrine, especially regarding Jihad, and the relationship of Muslim teachings with the radicalization of the youth. Since the September 11 occurrence, the reporting on the subject of Islam has changed both in quality and quantity, with every stream of the media highlighting or even carrying huge perks of news regarding Islam (Swindler, Duran & Firestone, 2007). The frequency and the bulk of news reporting regarding Islam since the 9/11 attack has served to create the fear or hatred of Islam as a religion on the one hand, while there has been more attempts to create a positive image regarding Islam religion on the other hand. Nevertheless, the negative reporting and stereotyping of Is lam as a religion has definitely outdone the positive painting of this religion (Ridgeon & Schmidt-Leukel, 2006). The language use reinforces stereotyping, which elicits a reaction of anger and fury from the Muslims, who may in turn be motivated to react in the way that the media has stereotyped them. This has created an opportunity for diverse interpretations of the news and media reports regarding Islam. For example, the cartoon by Nicholas from the â€Å"Australian Newspaper† shows an individual reacting to the stereotyping mooted against him, through blowing up the individuals who seem to have stereotyped them (Nicholas cartoon, n.d.). Therefore, the terrorism activities might also be sparked off by the media stereotyping against the Muslims. However, while the media has been involved in extensive reporting regarding the issue of Islam and its perceived relationship to terrorism, there has been a wide support for dialogue by the Muslim world, to create an understanding of what Muslim religion is all about. According to the (World Council of Churches, 2013), a dialogue between Muslims and Christians is essential, not for the purposes of establishing religious supremacy, but as a â€Å"process of mutual empowerment of both Christians and Muslims† p6. This notwithstanding, there is a perceived roadblock that has been placed

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Mango's Business Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Mango's Business Model - Essay Example Mango has developed unique advantages in terms of product and related design processes, quality, production, logistics, and HR policies as well as in the implementation in the state of the art technology. Product Through the process of subcontracting their product designs and the related prototypes, the company itself maintains the entire process of designing the product to making the product available to the end consumers. The entire chain of production has been subcontracted to various markets across the globe like China, Morocco and even to the markets in Turkey. By the process of outsourcing their designs, the company has developed the unique advantage to promote four collections in the markets on an annual manner. Quality In an attempt to maintain the standard of quality for the products, which are manufactured by following an outsourcing model distributed throughout the globe, consistent quality checks are carried out at various points of the distribution channel, ranging from the factory premises to the store premises. This provides the advantage of supplying quality materials to the consumers. Design The brand Mango focuses on providing their clothing line to the end consumers under the most perfect in store conditions with the same level of convenience offered to consumers all over the world. Design is considered as a highly critical factor in case of the brand Mango, for luring in customers to the store. As a matter of fact, in order to maintain the same kind of store image, Mango maintains an entire team of window dressers, coordinators, and supervisors whose main job is to offer the similar kind of in store feeling to consumers all over the world by offering them with the same kind of in store design and related accessories. Culture Mango being an international company has a highly integrated product line, which is manufactured by outsourcing them to other companies. Though Mango follows the outsourcing model, yet the collections are made as prototy pes at the company and then outsourced for mass manufacturing, while following a centralized hierarchy. But in order to make their production lines for their collections appeal to the customers all over the world, the collections are designed keeping in sync with the cultural tastes that are prevalent in various parts of the world like the countries in the Middle East. This provides the advantage of being able to cater to the diversified cultural tastes for Mango’s clothing line for the young target audience, prevalent in various parts of the globe that prefer to be attired in a different clothing line altogether, yet at a consumer friendly price. Production Mango follows an outsourcing model, as described earlier for the production of its clothing line. In every season, an entire range of new suppliers are detected to match the technical requirements as well as the surge in production. In an effort to maintain long term relationships with the suppliers, a system of collabora tion is followed and maintained by the brand like indulging in constant dialogue and

Monday, August 26, 2019

How is sexual identity explored in Twefth Night Essay

How is sexual identity explored in Twefth Night - Essay Example espeare not only has exhibited equal mastery in his treatment of both tragedy and comedy but also he has exposed the true facts of life through his respective treatment of both genres of Tragedy and Comedy. Due to the cultural evolution during the time of Renaissance, people’s understanding of the society as well as relationship between genders received a different angle of interpretation. Shakespearean dramas, sonnets and Metaphysical poetry are best evidences that reflect such realization of people. This aspect is quite clear among Shakespeare’s sonnet composition, where he has provided a great deal of emphasis over friendship between two males. It is through his verse that the poet has attempted to preserve the physical beauty of his male friend. Sonnet no. 18-126 are excellent examples of such attempt from the poet and in the later sonnets (127-152) Shakespeare has attempted to describe the beauty of a dark lady and the poet has also provided highest importance to m emorize such beauty through his verse. Thus, it is clear from Shakespeare’s treatment of sexuality that love and appreciative mentality of beauty are such virtues that are never dependent over the any kind of gender biasness or sexual identity. His realization has also been reflected in his comedies of which As You Like It and Twelfth Night are classic examples. Unexplored sexual identity, in both these dramas, has played very important role in orienting the action, theme as well as pace but at the same time both the dramas have clearly expressed the fact that love does not depend over sexual identity. It is the most important of all humane virtues and a person, who has fallen in love with his/her partner, does not change the expression of love according to his/her sexual identity. Themes of deception and disguise have occupied a special place among the major Shakespearean comedies, such as Taming of the Shrew, As You like It or Twelfth Night. Looking at the renaissance society, a critical

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Management Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Management Accounting - Essay Example This report would focus on one of the most used techniques of management accounting, Activity Based Costing and how this report method has changed over a period of time. Activity based costing has been one of the highly and most used management accounting technique and it has been further developed with the passage of time. Activity based management (ABM), time-driven ABC are further enhancements in ABC to make it more effective for the organizations that adapt it. Accounting has over the years been considered as a practice that is used to record and present the summary of all the transactions that occur in an organization. Accounting was considered a system that presented historical perspective and was not highly considered in the decision making (Brimson, 1991). However, management accounting and in particular activity based costing has changed the scenario and now accounting information is used by management to make important decisions to not only improve the profitability but to also improve the performances of the organizations. Activity based costing is a management accounting technique that allows the management to identify the costs that occur in the organization. This method allows the management to analyze and recognize areas where costs are high or unnecessary cost is incurred thus it helps the management to make decisions to reduce the costs. Therefore by implementing this system or method the management is able to control its overall operational costs to a certain extent (Armstrong, 2002). Organizations that are competing for prices and their profit margin is low (Cagwin, and Bouwman, 2002), implementing ABC could allow them to control their costs and thus reduce the prices of products or earn higher profits (Gosselin, 1997). Therefore an industry that is highly competitive would give them the edge to lower their prices. Although it has been identified that implementing ABC is beneficial for the organizations and it can have several benefits. Howev er on the other hand, ABC has its flaws and drawbacks and some of the major drawbacks of ABC are; a. Implementing activity based costing in a service industry is difficult (Startton, Desroches, Lawson, and Hatch, 2009). b. There are some costs that are shared between different departments, products, activities and therefore identifying the costs for each activity is difficult (Piper, and Walley, 1991). c. Activity based costing requires time and even if the organization hires an extra accountant to prepare and implement this costing system, then the individual needs support from each department or employees involved in different activities. d. The technique focuses on cost minimization rather than profit maximization (Hicks, 1992) So with the passage of time, organizations identified some of these abovementioned drawbacks while implementing activity based costing methods and then they changed their system or tried to modify how they implement ABC. Some organizations to improve the e fficiency and improve the use of ABC tried to enhance its role and used Activity Based Management (ABM) rather than Activity based costing (Collier, 2006). ABM offers the organizations in providing information that helps them in making important long term strategic decisions. ABM helps the organizations in understanding the impact of different costs and different decisions and at the same time it offers the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Prenatal development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Prenatal development - Assignment Example The period of prenatal development is interesting because it is the actual manifestation of physical growth from nothingness to a real human. It is amazing how something about the organism changes every month until it turns into a fully matured baby. Teragotens are substances which may result in an abnormality of a fetus. These can be in the form alcohol, caffeine, drugs, diseases and lead, mercury or radiation. While mothers may be exposed to some of these things unintentionally, others have a choice of whether to pay attention to science or their personal beliefs or experiences and continue their usual alcohol or caffeine intake. The most important thing I learned among the five is the general risk factors. This is significant because these factors are very simple things but have a very big impact on the development of a new human being. Nutrition, stress and the mother’s age should be of utmost consideration when planning or having a baby. With this knowledge, I am able to appreciate everything my mother had done to keep herself and me healthy until I was born. Also, I would be able to use this knowledge in building my future family and whenever friends ask me for

Friday, August 23, 2019

Tech 398 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Tech 398 - Research Paper Example However, one of the most recent concerns directly affecting the functionality and operations of the civil aviations is the issue of terrorism. Since aircrafts are soft targets for the terrorist faction and their aim of leaving deep impact on the minds of the people is met, thus civil aviation has become quite vulnerable to terrorism. Given the severity of the lasting impacts that the issue may raise, priority must be given to engage the stakeholders in order to ensure that the damages are minimized. In this context, a paradigm has been emerged in the existing model of civil aviation safety to ensure measures aiming at minimizing terrorist episodes on flights. This paradigm incorporates measures like information desk being managed by US department of State, technologically enhanced equipment to screen the passengers, cargo screening, improved intelligence measures along with efforts to build an informed network of passengers. The Department of Home incorporated an advisory system whic h was color coded to keep the masses alert. In addition, efforts at global level are also at play, for instance, the International Civil Aviation Organization is working in collaboration with the UN to develop security measures to deal with the issue of terrorism in context to civil aviation safety. The paper will aim at analyzing the paradigm shift in the wake of the threat of terrorism to civil aviation safety. There is no second opinion in the view that the civil aviation industry has been impacted by the threat of terrorism. Though terrorism related incident had occurred in the pre-September 11 era as well, yet in the aftermath of September 11 attacks the situation became worse off than it ever was. The international traffic right after the attack saw around 40 percent drop-off in a few markets (Howard, Forest & Moore 66). Furthermore, the incident of Code Orange added insult to injury

Organisation business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Organisation business - Essay Example Emotional intelligence is largely promoted and touted to be the key to success in contemporary times, since it is all about retaining balance of self and reacting intelligently rather than emotionally, to any given situation at the work place. The power of emotional intelligence and its impact on employees’ work performance has been discussed and widely debated over the years (Homans, 1950; Rothlisberger & Dickson, 1939). However the relationship between the two has been recognized and acknowledged by researchers and organizations alike, only recently (Ashkanasy, Zerbe & Hartel, 2005). It has often been observed that not all employees are equally skilled at team work, and successful in leading or dealing with other employees. The concept of emotional intelligence can be used by managers, to unravel the mystery behind the failure of apparently intelligent employees with great credentials and strong academic and cognitive skills to perform at work (Murphy, 2006). It has been est ablished through various research that there is a direct relationship between emotional intelligence and the failure of employees at managerial positions to perform adequately at work (Lombardo, Ruderman, & McCauley, 1988, 199-216). The interest and literature on the concept of emotional intelligence is growing, with fair amount of evidence about its impact on job performance. The same can be utilized by the management while hiring, so that the right kind of employees with higher emotional intelligence can be hired for managerial positions. Although there is mounting evidence regarding the significance and relevance of ‘emotional intelligence’ on employees’ job performance, there are fair amount of criticisms of the concept, as well (Matthews, Zeidner, & Roberts, 2002; Landy, 2005, 411-424; Locke, 2005, 425-431). The same has been discussed in the subsequent sections. Definitions of emotional intelligence: According to Wharam (2009, 11), Emotional Intelligence is : â€Å"The potential to be aware of and use one's own emotions in communication with oneself and others and to manage and motivate oneself and others through understanding emotions† According to Jones (2006, 412) Emotional Intelligence entails the use of insight and balance of self, in decision making. It helps individuals in attending to problems or critical organizations situations an intelligent way; establish and improve better contacts and relationships within the organizations; help in motivating people around them skill-fully; manage themselves effectively in stressful situations by staying calm and focused and create positive emotions such as hope and compassion while dealing in stressful environment, thus encouraging people to develop a positive vision and attitudes. According to Salovey et al., (2004, 31): Emotional intelligence refers to "the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth". The key characteristics of Emotional intelligence as observed from the above definitions include: awareness of self; ability to manage and control one's emotions; the ability to use such self-control and direct it towards attainment of organizational goals; identify the emotions of other employees at work and motivate them - alternatively

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Writing to argue Essay Example for Free

Writing to argue Essay Writing to argue is a very popular choice of writing for both exams and coursework. By carefully following the advice below you should be able to improve your grade ARGUMENT OR PERSUASION? Argument and persuasion are very similar styles of writing; indeed many treat them both as writing that seeks to influence. There are some differences, however. An argument is an issue about which reasonable people disagree. An effective argument, therefore, will put forward a well-reasoned point of view, one that recognises but aims to counter other equally valid views; persuasion tends to be far more single-minded in its aim to change minds. A good argument is based, therefore, mainly on reason (even if this is passionately even emotionally conveyed); persuasion tends to be a more one-sided, personal and emotional conviction that only one way is the right way. ARGUMENT AND THE ANCIENT ART OF RHETORIC The art of argument and persuasion has been studied for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks called it rhetoric and its two most famous teachers were the two Greek philosophers, Aristotle and Cicero. CLASSICAL RHETORIC The Greeks believed that the ideal way to persuade someone was through the use of reason alone (which they called logos); however, they recognised that human weakness meant that two further techniques were also useful: the appeal to character (called ethos) and the appeal to emotion (called pathos). LOGOS THE APPEAL TO REASON Most people believe themselves to be reasonable so appealing to a persons sense of reason is the most effective means of convincing them to change their way of thinking. ETHOS THE APPEAL TO CHARACTER We all share common ideas of what is right and wrong; demonstrating your own or appealing your opponents sense of what is right and fair is highly persuasive. PATHOS THE APPEAL TO EMOTION It is said that when emotion comes in through the door, reason departs via the window so use emotional pleas with care; but, persuasion does often succeed by the careful and considered use of emotion especially showing how passionate you feel for your point of v iew. What makes an effective argument? * Arguments should seek to answer the question Why? in full for one side of the argument (some exam questions might ask for both sides to be made clear). * The tone of voice with which you choose to address your reader (e.g. friendly, serious, assertive, etc.) and the register of language you adopt (the complexity of vocabulary and degree of formality or informality, for example) should be appropriate to the task and the audience. 1. Consider your audience * Immediately capture their attention with a lively and interesting opening sentence. * Be tactful and show you respect their point of view (but never agree that it is better than your own!) * Sound authentic, knowledgeable, trustworthy and convincing. * Acknowledge that other views exist but find ways to counter these with your own more reasonable points. * Logic and reason win arguments but be passionate about your views * Interest your audience by using a suitable anecdote to illustrate one of your major points. * Never sound superior, condescending or impolite. Any suggestion that other viewpoints are silly or foolish is the equivalent of calling your reader silly and foolish. The result? Lost argument. Lost marks. Try switching roles how could you be convinced? 2. Know the conventions of the form of your writing * You may be asked to write in the form of an essay, a formal or informal letter, an newspaper or magazine article, a school newsletter, a speech, and so on. Make sure you know the conventions that apply to each of these. 3. Know the most effective argument methods * Remember that because the other sides view is reasonably held, you will only win them over through impassioned reason and logic. * The key to a successful argument is to plan well, making sure you release your various points in a progressively convincing order. Try to show that you have planned or, as the examiners put it: consciously shaped your response. This gains many extra marks. * You need to show that your opponent can trust you so make up a solid and believable reason why you are in a good position to argue over this issue. * An effective way of convincing someone that you are reasonable is to argue from a position of what is called common ground. This is an outcome that is common to both of you an end-point you both desire. Having acknowledged this, you then proceed by showing how your way to this goal is the best way. * A strong way to show how reasonable you are is to acknowledge that other views are well thought out just not quite as well thought out as your own. This is a skilful and subtle approach. * Using a humorous or vivid but entirely reasonable and realistic anecdote to illustrate a point can be an excellent way of countering the opposite point of view, e.g. Let me tell you about a friend of mine. He . * Use rhetorical devices such as rhetorical questions, list of three, repetition, etc. to increase the persuasive power of your argument. The most successful arguments are INTERESTING, ORIGINAL AND APPEALING ORGANISED, PROGRESSIVE AND CONVINCING EASY TO FOLLOW THOUGHTFUL AND CONSIDERATE SUBTLE and SOPHISTICATED IN MORE DETAIL 1. Plan 2. Write 3. Check 1. PLAN * Planning: Put simply, you will probably lose marks if you fail to plan before you write. Each year the examining boards report that this is the case. The mark schedules state that the students argument needs to be consciously shaped and this means well-structured; a plan is essential for this. You have one hour for this question so time is on your side for once. * Decide on what would be a suitable style for your kind of reader. * Brainstorm to create a list of points in favour of your idea. Choose five of the most convincing. Check that each point is truly separate and not a part of a larger, more general point; if it is, use the larger point. Make sure each point is truly convincing switch roles: would these persuade you? * Organise these five points into a progressive and persuasive order. * Create an equivalent list of opposing points that you may need to counter. * Work out a few ways to add interest and authority to your writing: rhetorical questions, an effective anecdote a piece of research, an expert opinion. * Aim to use REASON rather than EMOTION but do show your beliefs are passionately held, also you could use humour or emotion in one of the anecdotes you use. And always remember that if you call the oppositions view silly or foolish, you are effectively calling your reader silly and foolish too. Result: lost argument; lost marks. 2. WRITE OPENING PARAGRAPH * Open strongly and in an original way to capture your readers attention. * State your own point of view but dont be too strident in your tone. * If relevant and useful, give the history and background of the argument. * Find some common ground between you and your reader to generate trust and goodwill in you as a person and as a thinker. Selling yourself will help your reader decide to buy your ideas. BODY (CENTRAL) PARAGRAPHS * Open each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the points created from your planning above. * Explain, develop and explore fully each point you make in a logical, sensitive and clear way. * Try to link each paragraph to the next by using a subtle transition or hook sentence at the end of every body paragraph. * Acknowledge opposing views but sensitively refute them and show how your view is best. * Add power to your argument by using rhetorical devices. HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF RHETORICAL DEVICES Rhetorical questions, similes, metaphors, emotive language (use with care!), irony (but never sarcasm!), lists of three, repetition, hyperbole (exaggeration for effect), humour, anecdotes, and so on. * Add fluency to your argument by using discursive markers. HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF DISCURSIVE MARKERS However; although, if so, and so, but, clearly, on the other hand, therefore, supposing that, furthermore, looked at another way, in contrast, on the contrary, etc. * Add authenticity to your argument by sounding sincere, using anecdotes (true accounts) and so on. * Add authority to your argument by writing confidently and using effective support, e.g. expert opinion, statistics, and so on make this up in the exam, but keep it reasonable. CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH * Round up your argument by restating your case and summarising your main points. End as you began in a powerful, interesting and memorable way. 3. CHECK In this part of the exam, you gain marks for writing in an accurate, clear and fluent way. Each year the examiners report mentions that many students failed to achieve a higher grade because they failed to check and correct their work. Always give yourself time to check your writing thoroughly before handing in the exam paper. Read each sentence after you have written it Write using a variety of sentence types and styles but remember especially that shorter sentences are often more interesting because they are crisper and clearer. An occasional ultra-short sentence can add real impact to writing. Never fail to re-read your sentences after writing them to check that they are complete in their sense, accurate in their grammar and spelling and follow on logically and smoothly from the last. Check every paragraph. A paragraph is a written discussion that covers a single topic one topic among the many that are needed to cover the subject matter of the whole piece of writing. One of the sentences in the paragraph, and quite often the first one, is called the topic sentence. This is the sentence that introduces, or tells in a nut shell, what the paragraph is going to be about. The remaining sentences do no more than expand and explore the ideas raised by the topic sentence in more depth. No points that are unrelated to the main topic should be covered in the same paragraph. Each paragraph should flow smoothly from its predecessor. This is achieved by the use of a subtle hook sentence at the end of the paragraph; this is a sentence that hooks into the new topic of the next paragraph. To correct a missed paragraph simply put this mark where you want in to be: // then, in your margin write: // = new paragraph. The examiner will not mark you down for this so long as you have not forgotten all of your paragraphs. Examine each comma Over, or misuse, of commas is a common and important error that can lose many marks. Many of you will occasionally use a comma instead of a full stop to end some of your sentences. You are failing to recognise where the end of the sentence should have been. Too much of this leads to a dreary and difficult-to-read style because it destroys the clarity and crispness that is a necessary part of all good writing. A sentence is a group of words that is about one main idea or thought. It should seem complete to its reader. Sentences that drift into several ideas, or which seem incomplete, are less clear and interesting to read. Ending a sentence with a comma (or even nothing but a space) instead of a full stop will allow it to run on or drift in this way. Try to use commas only to mark off parts of a sentence so that the sentence reads more smoothly or makes clearer sense. Look at every apostrophe. Look at the words you have used that end in s. Are they plurals? If so the chances are they do not need an apostrophe. Apostrophes are used to show when a letter has been missed out (as in: shouldnt) and when two nouns belong to each other (as in: the schools entrance). Also make sure that when you write its you do mean it is (as in its cold) not belonging to it (i.e. as in: its surface).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Techniques to Develop Creativity

Techniques to Develop Creativity Abstract. Creativity is the ability which has the human being to create something out of other ideas that are new and interesting but unfortunately in the actual education system not are implemented, so the present article explain about some things that have to change in the education system to increase the creativity in the students, the creativity can be learned, practiced, and developed by the use of proven techniques that it will speak more later. The implementation of creativity in the education in very importan because the schools must be a pillar bases to enrich and encourage creativity in each one of the students, in other words the improvement of creativity in education has great importance for the development of the students and a nation, because it can improve the formation of scientists, engineers, and specialists. The human creativity represents an enigma to the research community: It is all but impossible to describe the process in unequivocal terms, yet there is a strong desire to promote in the education the develop of creativity. The quality of education is one of the most commonly used expressions currently in the field of education, as a point of reference that justifies any process of change or improvement of the plan. In this area the development of creativity would be the backbone of a new educational system that is more efficient than other systems, because creative thinking in a disciplined manner can play a real role in innovation. Creativity and innovation are normally complementary activities(European Commission, 1998). The improvement of creativity in education has great importance for the development of the students and the nation, because it can improve the formation of scientists, engineers, and specialists. It can be learned, practiced, and developed by the use of proven tec hniques, so it is necessary to adopt a education system used in other countries that it is more effective. For example, Finland system in the education, implementation of appropriate tools to develop of the creativity and techniques and methods for develop the creativity. All these points are necessary to give solution to reduction of the creativity in the education, so it can be considered as a basis for building a strong education structure and the increase index them creativity in schools, universities and other institutions. There exists a big variability of creative techniques to use as individuals and groups. However the techniques that are more appropriate to generate creativity are used in groups. But, why are group techniques more efficient than the individual techniques? The European Commission gave the answer creativity is an attribute of the individual, though generally it can only be developed efficiently when it is tackled within a group of team.(European Commission, 1998). Some of techniques more used for develop the creativity are: analytic techniques and intuitive techniques (Sefertzi. 2000). Analytical techniques follow a linear pattern of thought or sequence of steps very good organize, in other words this type of organization in the question help that student stimulate different ways of organization known information and help approach problems from new angles (Miller 1987). Intuitive techniques are less structured techniques, so the intuitive techniques have not a organization or steps th at student have that follow because the student or other person that use the intuitive technique, only he has that look the phenomena of his study and the he has formalote intuitively hypothesis, theory and other suppositions to can give a explanation about the phenomena. Now, but to apply these methods and tapeworms requires the use of instruments that would facilitate a better understanding and stimulate the brain. According to Andriele De Prà ¡ Carvalho, Eloiza Avila de Matos, Dà ¡lcio Roberto dos Reis, Luà ­s Felippi Serpe and Sandro Carvalho there are also 67 creative techniques to stimulate the development of creativity in students. Following is the description of some of the tools for creativity. Analogy technique: According to Tsuilien Shena and Jiin Chyuan Laib the analog technique can help people to understand unknown events or houses from known elements (Shen Lai. 2014), in other words acts as a connection between the image that makes your brain to understand the phenomenon you do not know. Bullet Proof Technique: This technique consists of searching or determining in a specific area where the ideas and objectives raised have a high risk of failure, therefore the main idea of the technique is to find solutions to the problem that may appear in those cases. Inconsistency Analysis Technique : The technique consists in find contradictions to a certain situation, then you have to find the possible solutions, but the solutions titnen that being innovator. According to Andriele De Prà ¡ Carvalho, Eloiza Avila de Matos, Dà ¡lcio Roberto dos Reis, Luà ­s Felippi Serpe and Sandro Carvalho for the use of the technique of inconsistencies recommends the ones of: A list of inherent contradictions of these problems that you could solve in a daily basis. Add to the list the new contradictions you may find and try to identify the interaction among them. If you could find a way to remove or reduce multiple contradictions at once, then you will have a higher probability to identify an executable solution (Carvalho., Matos., Reis., Serpe Carvalho. 2012) New View Technique: The technique has the purpose of obtaining a suggestion or reaction from one or more persons about a specific topic, that is to say, the conclusions, recommendations and suggestions that the person or each person receives, the mind opens to new Therefore, this technique gives students new ways of thinking. Mental Mapping Technique: Paul Farrand, Fearzana Hussain and Enid Hennessy in their article say that Mind maps provide an effective study technique when applying written material Farrand.,Hussain., Hennessy. 2002), because when a student makes a mental map, he / she interconnects actions and concepts of a topic in general, therefore these interconeccion of concepts provide the student with a clearer way to understand in content of the subject. Notebook Technique: This type of technique is the most used among the students, because the student has the ability to write his everyday ideas, events, class subjects and other, a very important point is the way he notes his ideas, in other words the ideas annotated in the book, subjects in subjects among others are very easy to understand for the student because they are his own words that are written. Reflection Groups Technique: According to the article, the technique consists of the collaboration of a group of students who collaborate with each other with a common goal, therefore the ideas expressed by each one of the group members will not be the same, so the group have to reach a unanimous decision. The decisions in the main challenge facing the group. All of the above examples are designed to help people develop skills to engage in creative ways of looking at problems and framing solutions using these tools, and to maintain those skills even without using the tools. But there are also other types of tools based technologies. The technology today is also at our service to develop our creative capacity with a large number of mobile applications, also sotfware developed for computers and other electronics devices. According to Joyce J. Elam and Melissa Mead, the support system for creativity emerged around the 1970 (Elam Mead 1990), the initiative was promising to provide computer-based tools that would enable those responsible for decision making have the great possibility of developing improved solutions with more creativity in the face of the problems to be solved. Also in an article by Mingyang Gu and Xin Tong argument that the development of software for creativity has to have two fundamental aspects: discipline and creative, because software construction can be a great problem and in the case but if the Developed does not have the clear ideas of what he wants to build, everything is very similar to a hell. Many scientist research have orientation about the development of creativity as an process apply in the education. Some studies about creative abilities show that can be developed by the implementation of tools that estimate the brain, because in a research say the brain is a muscle that need exercise for attain a better performance (Taylor. 1972). Creativity can specifically be developed supporting tools, for example a computer can be a tool for creativity, because they contain models of software created with the purpose of stimulating the brains students, computer software idea processors, information systems, etc., for example MindMeister is a free software that you can find in internet, according to Rahimi, Van den Berg and Even, they think that MindMeister is very useful tool for students and also for teachers. Compared to paper, in MindMeister you can add much digital stuff to your mind map including im- ages, URLs, and links. (Rahimi., Van den Berg. Veen. 2012), also MindMeis ter is considered the best application in the market to develop mind maps online. With its award winning online version and its free mobile apps, its users can make mind maps at school, at home, at the office and wherever they are. Mind mapping with MindMeister is such an easy and intuitive process that anyone from a first grader to the CEO of a company can use this application to improve their productivity and put their creative ideas into action. MindMeister offers a variety of amazing features that allow users to collaborate and brainstorm online, plan projects, develop business strategies, create fantastic presentations and use the enormous potential that mindmaps offer for education. To this end, MindMeister offers huge discounts to students and teachers, and even offers free accounts with up to 10 mind maps that provide all the necessary features for creating mental maps: simple but with huge reach. The tools are that it develops a purpose which is help students to create, pro mote and generate creativity, creativity tools, stimulate the imagination. Everyone is creative, so each must find his environment to develop that creative side, that we all have but for able a best result of creativity. As the result of a radical change in the education system, methods a techniques and implementation of tools, produce that the creativity in the students can be more effective. In actual moment exist a decadent in the creativity of the student but in the future with the implementation of all that wrote in the essay can be posible the develop of creativity. REFERENCES European Commission (1998), Innovation Management Techniques in Operation, European Commission, Luxembourg. Higgins, J.M. (1996), Innovate or evaporate: creative techniques for strategists, Long Range Planning, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 370-380. Sefertzi, E.. (2000). Creativity . noviembre 17,2016, de EC funded project Sitio web: http://www.urenio.org/tools/en/creativity.pdf Miller, W. (1986), The Creative Edge, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Amabile, T. M., Conti, R., Coon, H., Lazenby, J., Herron, M. (1996). Assessing the work environment for creativity. Academy of management journal, 39(5), 1154-1184. Carvalho, A. D. P., de Matos, E. A., dos Reis, D. R., Serpe, L. F., Carvalho, S. (2012). Tools for Creativity. US-China Education Review, 2(11), 936-946. Shen, T., Lai, J. C. (2014). Formation of Creative Thinking by Analogical Performance in Creative Works. Farrand, P., Hussain, F., Hennessy, E. (2002). The efficacy of themind mapstudy technique. Medical education, 36(5), 426-431. Elam, J. J., Mead, M. (1990). Can software influence creativity?. Information Systems Research, 1(1), 1. Gu, M., Tong, X. (2004, April). Towards hypotheses on creativity in software development. In International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement (pp. 47-61). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Rahimi, E., Van den Berg, J., Veen, W. (2012, December). Designing and implementing PLEs in a secondary school using Web2. 0 tool. In The Personal Learning Envrionment (PLE) Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 12-13 July, 2012. Public Knowledge Project.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Marketing Strategy Of Vietnam

The Marketing Strategy Of Vietnam Tourism industry worldwide is one of the largest sectors which have greater contribution in the growth of economy. It is obvious that tourist from one continent travel to other continents. Southeast Asian countries have become popular destination for European tourists and the government in each respective country from Southeast Asia putting significant efforts to attract the tourists across the world. However due to economic recession there was a record downfall of tourists from Europe in the region. In this view this assignment report discusses the marketing strategy of Vietnam to attract customers from European countries including the market, segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy (Akaah and Korgaonkar, 1988). 2. Target Country of Tourist Destination: The number of tourists from Italy has seen a significant downfall to visit Vietnam in the tourism statistics during the past four months however the total in flow of the tourists in the country has been increase by 103% as per the tourism statistics issued by Vietnam tourism government. Among other European countries the flow of tourists from Italy was equal and in last four months this figure has been decreasing continuously (Berthon, Lane, Pittand Watson, 1998). According to the tourism government in Vietnam, the tourist flow from Italy was 11,243 in December 2009 which has been reduced to 5796. There is great potential of tourist in Italy since during Easter most of the population in Italy go for outbound vacations and Southeast Asian countries they found attractive place to visit due to heritage, culture and monuments. Based on these observations I have chosen Italy as a target market to attract tourist from Italy. (Source: http://www.vietnamtourism.gov.vn/) 3. Resorts on Facilities and Services: Windsor Plaza Hotel is one of the preferred choices for tourists to get accommodation as the hotel has branches across the country. The hotel is located at heart of the capital city of Vietnam Ho Chi Minch City which is situated in the mid way of historic china town district and business district. The hotel provides world class five star services with a combination of luxury and hospitality services. Windsor plaza provides superior hospitality services to both the business travelers and leisure travelers (Bocij, Chaffey, Greasley, and Hickie, 1999). There are the set up of professional services offered by Windsor plaza where the travelers can make the choices among shopping, entertainment, meeting and dining facilities. In addition to this the tourists can have the great experience of perfect gifts, boutique, shopping and discotheque which has been built with the inspired theme of American style discos. The luxurious service described above has become the unique choices and needs of travelers from Italy and these are the USP of hotel to attract tourist across the world countries (Agrawal, Arjona and Lemmens, 2001). Tourists from Italy travel outbound to get relax from work, entertainment and enjoyment. Therefore in this view they always seek for the place where they can have the experience of all luxuries, sources of entertainment and facilities under one roof. Windsor plaza provides the accurate services as per the need of European tourists. In addition to this the hotel provides multi-cuisine food with the specialization of each European country, so that the tourists from Europe should not miss their choice of food. Another advantage provided by Windsor Plaza is the low rates than the other hotels. The hotel offers best possible low rates where the customers can negotiate and much cheaper than the booking rates directly. All the rates are finalized after consent of the customer and no hidden charges applied into the service hotels. Along with the low rate ben efit, the hotel provides first hand information that meets the expectation of the tourists (Business Wire, 2002). 4. Marketing Strategy: In order to attract the tourists from Italy, the country requires robust marketing plan which should cover every aspect of market strategies to target the tourists. This section provides the segmentation, targeting and positioning analysis for Vietnam . 4.1 Target Market: Target country in Europe will be Italy as it is the most preferred destination for Vietnam where a significant share of tourists flow exists among other destinations. The major destinations from European countries include France, UK, Germany, Italy and Spain where the majority of tourists visit the Southeast Asian countries specifically for leisure purpose. Each of these countries have equal tourists flow however it has been assessed that due to economic recession tourists visit from Italy has been reduced tan the previous year visits (Cohen, 2002). Therefore it should be essential for Vietnam to develop a strategy to capture the lost share of tourist from Italy. Most of the population in Italy usually goes for outbound travel in vacation time such as Easter, Christmas and summer holidays. Southeast Asian region is the preferred destinations for these tourists (Festervand, Snyder and Tsalikis, 1986). 4.2 Segmentation: Before targeting the tourist it is essential to segment them based in their demographics, psychographic, behavioral and geographic factors. Below is given the segmentation analysis for tourists in Italy. 4.2.1 Demographic Segmentation: The demographic segmentation refers to the gender, age, income level and education level of the target segment based on which a marketer defines the profile of its target customer. The target profile of tourist will be population with age more than 18 years who are graduates with monthly income more than Euro 3,500 and good equal proportion of male and female (Hoffman and Novak, 1996). 4.2.2 Geographic Segmentation: Geographic segmentation is based on the location of the target segment where is resides. The target location will be major cities in Italy since majority of population in Italy resides in urban areas and reach of the communication channel is higher among the urban areas. Apart from this the target customers identified at the outskirts of urban areas since a good proportion of population also resides in such areas due to low cost of index (Jasper and Ouellete, 1994). 4.2.3 Behavioral Segmentation: Behavioral segmentation is based on the consumer behavior, culture, values and beliefs. Consumers in Italy are reserved in nature and very price sensitive. They have the cultural values to spread happiness with enjoyment and entertainment. The purpose behind leisure traveling is to enjoy the vacations without any stress and with full of comfort. Tourism government in Vietnam is making efforts to fulfill the basic tourism needs of the tourists (Kehoe, Pitkow, Sutton, Aggarwal and Rogers, 1998). The core focus of the government is emphasizing on developing and renovating the tourist sites in the country with old heritage monuments and all facilities with latest technology in the hospitality sector. Beaches in Vietnam are very popular. In this way the marketer will target the tourists in Italy who are seeking place for their comfort and likely to enjoy the beaches (Machlis, 1998). 4.2.4 Psychographic Segmentation: Psychographic segmentation is based on the lifestyle, mind set and thinking of the consumers for availing the particular product and services. Marketer will target tourist in Italy who visit the tourists destination for reliving from the stress from their busy life. In addition to this the mind set of the tourist towards leisure purpose to pass the vacation with full of enjoyment and luxury. They feel that visiting tourists place will provide the experience of new learning and entertainment (Oberndorf, 1999). 4.3 Targeting: The target profile of the tourist will be divided into two segments such as those tourists who have already visited Vietnam and those who will visit Vietnam first time. The aim of targeting first segment of tourist will be the add on benefit to the marketer as it will be easy to capture this segment and require less efforts to attract the tourists again to visit Vietnam (Millman, 1998). Moreover they are potential customer as they are well aware about the tourist place in Vietnam which enables to plan their visit easily. On the other hand aim of targeting the fresh tourists is to increase the market share and provide the expedience of this segment with enjoyable life and comfort by the attraction of tourism in Vietnam. The profile of target customer will be population of age 18 to 25 years, 26 to 35 years and 35 to 55 years who are likely to enjoy their vacations in comfortable place. Various holiday packages will be promoted among the target segment to promote the tourism in Vietnam . The core target segment will be consumers of age group 26 to 35 since they are the decision makers in the households and level of income and spending power is higher of this segment (Lewis, 2000). 4.4 Positioning Strategy: The positioning strategy includes the advertising and communication to the target segment. A marketer must choose the advertising and communication channel with high reach among the target segment. Online advertising is the optimal method of promoting the tourism in Vietnam. A marketer can select the social networking popular in Italy to advertise the tourism in Vietnam (Quelch and Harding, 2009). The marketer can also select the email marketing, web blogs and RSS feeds to promote the tourism among Italian tourists. Under the promotion strategy the Windsor can offer family package or group package by highlighting the major facilities, services and popular destinations in Vietnam (Oliver, 1999). The marketer at Windsor can also select some choice of discount package with visual presentation of popular tourist sites to attract the customers. In addition to this a differential and low cost strategy will work to promote the tourism in Vietnam. Apart form this; the Tourism government in V ietnam should upgrade the website by installing the virtual tour of popular tourist destinations so that the tourists can have the view of tourists places and tourism in Vietnam virtually. Events should be promoted on the website in order to attract the tourists. The promotional activity will be implemented by engaging the local travel agents and travel companies in Italy (Porter, 2000). 5. Marketing Mix: Marketing mix is the critical factor which enables the marketer to deploy the marketing strategy in optimal way and also provides the growth and expansion of an organization. Until the sound marketing mix is developed a company can have several challenges in the market place to promote its products and services. In this way the seven Ps of marketing mix of Windsor Plaza are defined below (Shankar, Rangaswamy and Pusateri, 1999). 5.1 Product (Services): In case of hotel the product will be services which are intangible in nature. Therefore based on the service offerings the Hotel can forecast its sales to be generated and the margins of the Hotel will be estimated in the coming years (Reda, 2000). Windsor can offer varieties in its hospitality services such as house saloon service, multi cuisine food specifically all verities of European cuisine. In order to promote the services, Windsor will engage with the local travel agencies in order to make the tourist aware about the available services and related facilities for tourism in Vietnam. The incentives and commission will be provided to the travel agents and travel companies based on the revenue generated and recommending the tourist about the hotel (Van den Poel and Leunis, 1999). The services will be included all the modern facilities so that the tourists get fascinated hotel services. at the same time the hotel will realize where there service are lacking and using this opportun ity the marketer can boost up their sales (Riedman, 1999). 5.2 Place: Place has of its primary importance in marketing mix, the marketing and sales manager should understand the appropriate market in Italy to promote the hotel service along with the tourism in Vietnam. Before implementing the marketing plan the marketing manager should study about the general demographics about Italy for example moot of population in Italy resides in metro areas and tourists came from the outskirts of the metro cities and urban areas. In the internet era, most of tourists in Italy do not visit the travel agencies and book their tourist plan online. Therefore the service will marketed through major internet portal (Woolley, 1998). Apart from this the metro city malls will be targeted first to promote the tourism. 5.3 Promotion: As already discussed, the hotel will use the differentiation and low cost strategy to develop the competitive advantage under the promotion strategy. Online marketing channel will be used to promote the hotel service and tourism. Some of the communication channel includes, social networking sites, website, email marketing, RSS feed and Blog. Advertising will be utilized through various websites which are most often visited by the tourists in Italy (Warner, 2000). In order to promote the services, Windsor will engage with the local travel agencies in order to make the tourist aware about the available services and related facilities for tourism in Vietnam. The incentives and commission will be provided to the travel agents and travel companies (Warner, 2000). 5.4 Price: Under the promotional strategy the hotel will use the low cost strategy in which the hotel will offer discount and best possible low price for its services in the industry. Since the tourists in Italy are more prices sensitive and it should have the worth as per the offerings. Pricing will be offered by covering the all the hotels expenses and kept the margin at lower side. The hotel can therefore make the volume based profits and utilize it in the long term (Wingfield, 2001). 6. Extended Ps: The extended Ps of marketing will be used to reinforcing the positioning strategy of the hotel as described below (Ansoff, 1957). 6.1 Process: In service industry process is the key marketing mix since the customer feels happy if they find the service process is easy and services of the company can be accessible in the easiest possible manner. The marketer will pace self made process in the hotel with signage to get the access of each service easily. In addition to this the hotel will use intercom facility to by just dialing one number and the hotel staff will provide the instant service within maximum of 10 minutes. It will be highlighted in during the hotel promotion (Baker, 1998). The hotel will provide the below services for its tourists: Executive lounge Business center Meeting facilities Recreational facilities Kids playroom Tour desk Airport pick-up service: USD18/way/4seats and vehicles for rent Outside swimming pool Multi-lingual guest service staff Laundry and dry-leaning service Modern elevator and baggage storage Souvenir/Gift shop and ATM in hotel Doctor/Nurse on call Foreign currency exchange Travel tour arrangement Business Center with ADSL Internet and Email Beauty salon and beauty treatment center Gymnasium and fitness center Massage, Spa, Sauna, Steam-bath and Jacuzzi Shopping center, Games and Casino room Ngan Dinh Restaurant Cafà © Centra America Discotheque An Dong shopping plaza (Source: http://www.vietnam-hotels.net/hotels/Windsor-Plaza-Hotel) 6.2 People: The hotel will employ best of industry experience in order to provide highly acclaimed services to the tourist. People are the first face in the service industry and they are like the tangible asset of the company. In hospitality business, people are only the evidence where the customer feels the experience of services. Hence the hotel will employ the hotel management professionals with minimum 3 years of experience of the industry to provide betters service to the tourist (Agrawal, Arjona and Lemmens, 2001). 6.3 Physical Evidence: Physical evidence includes the proper display of the services which are visible during the hotel visit. In this way the hotel will use the signage merchandizing where the each facility will be marked with proper sign. The interior of the hotel will be designed by the architect and interior designer. During the positioning, a virtual tour of hotel will be created and displayed on the communication channel such as websites and internet portal (Berthon, Lane, Pitt and Watson, 1998). 7. Budgetary Requirement: Since the Windsor plaza is already an established chain in Vietnam, therefore the hotel requires the renovation in its hotel and promotion expenses. Since the hotel will use the digital marketing concept to promote the service and incentive commission to be provided to the travel agents and companies. Hence the forecasted budget is provided in the below table for the period of six months: Month Estimated Expenses 1st month USD 55,000 2nd month USD 40,000 3rd month USD 25,000 4th month USD 25,000 5th month USD 15,000 6th month USD 7,000 The progress will be monitored through weekly sales sheet in which the company will make the comparison of actual revenue generated with the target revenue and based on the figures the target for subsequent months will be assigned to each sales manager (Festervand, Snyder and Tsalikis, 1986). In addition to this the company will prepare expense ratio chart every month to monitor the cost over revenue generated. Apart from this the number of visits on the web portal and networking sites will be recorded to monitor the progress of advertising and promotion. The marketer can also check the user review to monitor the impact of its marketing campaign (Cohen, 2002). 8. Recommendation: In order to gain the long term advantage and global marketing benefits the marketing manager should perform different marketing activities which will enable the hotel to gain the competitive advantage for minimum of five year period. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Focus in Marketing Campaign Flexibility of Rates Online Considering the Channel Management Products Investment in the Website Optimization of Website E-mail marketing Protection of Online branding Monitoring the Users Review Online and Accordingly devise the marketing strategy Offering a analytical package Responding to the market condition Lewis (2000) suggested that the company should optimize those key steps which enable to understand its advertising and promotion. Since Windsor Plaza will use digital marketing therefore user review will provide the necessary information to the marketing manager to understand what the hotel can best offer to the tourists. Apart from the protection of online branding is essential as it will enable the marketer to protect other websites to advertise companys image in the negative way such as low rate hotel.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Anne Brandstreet and Female Identity Essay -- Anne Brandstreet Poems P

There are not many â€Å"major† female writers in American Literature, and writing, traditionally, has always been viewed as a masculine activity. It is therefore very interesting, and even ironic, that the first author published in the newly established Puritan society on the American soil, Anne Bradstreet, was a female. Indeed, Bradstreet's poems are filled with female presence. However, I also sense that Bradstreet’s feminism is held in check by her Puritan values, and there is a conflict created throughout her writing between this society of Puritan patriarchy that she lived in and her identity as a female.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bradstreet’s poems are focused on the simple pleasures found in the realities of the present. She rejoices in the presence of nature that she sees surrounding her in â€Å"Contemplations†, rather than that in the pleasure of Jesus and her Puritan religion (like Phyllis Wheatley does). Part of the reality for Bradstreet is living as a female in a male-dominated society. Bradstreet embraces this, but at the same time questions the views towards females. Women in Puritan society played a subordinate role in a traditional patriarchal family structure, and were relatively restricted in their opportunities. They were not generally viewed as equals to men, and in â€Å"The Prologue†, Bradstreet questions her role, and thus a woman’s role, in writing poetry. At the end of the prologue Bradstreet writes, â€Å"Let Greeks be Greeks, and woman what they are; Men have precedency and ...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sea Lions: Natures Playful Aquatic Land Mammals Essays -- Essays Pap

Sea Lions: Nature's Playful Aquatic Land Mammals Introduction Sea lions may look like sea creatures, but they also behave like terrestrial animals. Unlike whales, mammals that spend their entire lives in water, sea lions inhabit both the water and land throughout their lives. This aquatic land animal prefers the water for food, fun, and safety; while preferring the land for socializing, territory, and procreation. Being mammals, they share many behaviors common to humans and other mammals. Like mammals, they are born with the ability to walk on land shortly after birth. Surprisingly, they are not born with the ability to swim from birth, but need to be taught by their mothers. Like other mammals, they love to stay in social groups. During their reproductive season, females are dominated by aggressive males, that establish harems on the beaches. The relationship between females and their pups is characterized by affection, protection, nourishment, and instruction. In contrast to their limited terrestrial mobility, they can swim much better than they can walk. Unlike other land mammals, they have the ability to sleep in water . The most interesting thing is that they can sleep in water by using one part of their brain, while the other part of their brain is asleep ("Birds sleep with one eye open, half awake, study finds"). Clearly, sea lions have adapted well to a both an aquatic and land life. Sea lions are parts of the seal family and in the class of Pinnipedia ("Sea lion"). They have external ear flaps and well-developed foreflippers and hind flippers ("Sea lion"). Their predators include killer whales, sharks and humans ("Sea lion"). Sea lions have several types such as Zolophous, Steller, etc. Stellar sea lions are t... ...nd more than in the sea. Unfortunately, some species of sea lions are declining and may become extinct so that it is time to save them by enacting laws for protecting them and encouraging people not to kill them for commercial reasons. "Birds Sleep with One Eye Open, Half Awake, Study Finds." {CNN} 5 Feb. 1999. Bruemmer, Fred. "My Life Among Wild Pinnipeds." {International Wildlife} July-Aug. 1996: 10-12. Peterson, Richard S., and George A. Bartholomew. {The Natural History and Behavior of the California Sea Lion}. Los Angeles: American Society of Mammalogists, 1967. "Sea Lion." {Www.nhgs.tec.va.us/ptoption/sealion.html} (1999) "Sea Lion: Bark Is Worse Than His Bite." {Wysiwyg://104/http://www.letsfindout.com} (1999) "A Seal's-Eye View of Undersea Hunt." {MSNBC} 11 Feb. 1999. "Steller Sea Lion Distribution." {US Department of Commerce} (1999)

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Capitalization of Gender in Edna Millay’s Essay

The sonnet has experienced many modifications and innovations throughout the ages. Edna St. Vincent Millay’s â€Å"I, Being Born a Woman and Distressed† and Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s â€Å"Sonnet 43†, both Petrarchan sonnets, have diversified and helped pave the way for future female poets. In order to address and capitalize on ideas of gender connected to sonnet form and content, Edna Millay and Elizabeth Browning both revolutionize the traditional male-dominated sonnet form as females, Browning expresses overly sentimental and passionate emotion through content and Millay contradicts the social norm of female sexuality as well through content. Millay and Browning revolt against the male-dominated sonnet. Popular among prominent male poets, the sonnet was deemed unworthy for females, as men were far more educated and capable of fulfilling its high standards and strict guidelines. Both poets proved common beliefs wrong by excelling in the sonnet form. They used the Petrarchan sonnet, playing close attention to rhyme scheme and using iambic pentameter. They even incorporated the Volta between the octave and sestet, while using the first three lines in the sestet to introduce the change in tone and the last three lines in the sestet to conclude, invariably identical to the traditional Italian sonnet. At a time where women did not even have the right to vote, Millay and Browning both struggled to find a place in poetry writing, especially the sonnet form in which their predecessors were all male. The literary cannon and the Romantic Era consisted of all male poets who directed the sonnets to their lovers in regard to express their profound appreciation. Love has been the preferred sonnet theme since the 1300’s when the sonnet was created and both, Millay and Browning, stuck with the same traditional concept of love and lust as their topic. Being one of the most popular, sought out forms of poetry, the sonnet was the perfect way for nineteenth-century women to get out into the limelight and start a feminist movement. Or possibly, women poets stumbled toward the sonnet form due to its oppressive rules of rhyme scheme, structural shifts, meter and syllable count, it provided them a ready-made metaphor, suggesting difficulties in communication. Extremely restrained, the sonnet form helped make inexpressibility apparent, it therefore presented women sonneteers with an irony that revealed their circumstances of restricted speech and forced silence. Female poets, who incorporated the strict sonnet form, at a time difficult for women to freely embark in the lyric tradition, did so only to promote gender variance. Elizabeth Browning uses exceedingly sentimental emotions in her â€Å"Sonnet 43†. She either does so for ridicule or freedom for women to express themselves. By the use of such diction she is using satire and mockery of overly melodramatic reactions and feelings of a typical woman. â€Å"†¦ With my lost saints! -I love thee with the breath,/ Smiles, tears, of all my life!†¦ (12-13)†, even with the usage of several exclamation marks, she creates emphasis on the over exaggeration. In her Sonnet 43, Browning proclaims the pleasure love brings and pleads for a complete surrender to love, which seems far too corny. Or perhaps, she is just being herself, demonstrating to fellow females to be confident and unafraid of articulating and communicating your feelings. Following the thematic convention of rhyme scheme and iambic pentameter, Browning either wants to represent stereotypical females with her portrayal of unrealistic sensations or she wants to prove that even a completely feminine sonnet can create attentiveness to gender difference. Edna Millay challenges the social standards of female sexuality. Millay’s poem explores a female-centred perspective which opposes the widespread male-dominated presumptions of women. It is indeed a very sexual poem, revealing her sexual attraction and intentions to a particular man. Female sexuality was silenced in those times and rarely did women speak so openly and fearlessly of personal matters. She created a new realm of subject matters to women authors and helped support a liberated approach to life. The style of her poetry is formal with typical meter and rhyme scheme. Critics have repeatedly pointed out her bizarre connection of conventional poetic forms and structures with completely unconventional ideas and expressions. We must recognize and appreciate Millay for revealing the love ’em and leave ’em tactic normally exercised by males. However, because of the poet’s reversed gender, this strategy seems more modern, harmless and considerably humorous. There is irony and originality in a female using such rebellious content, perhaps she is scrutinizing normal male intentions, as it is regularly the women who are hurt in the end because they long for a relationship while the men are only looking for sex. The form may receive validity of tradition while the content concurrently mocks tradition. With the help of this poem she gained a reputation of a free-spirited and revolutionary social figure whose work followed her commemoration of life. Edna Millay’s poem fights for sexual freedom originally claimed by men, it fights for equality of the double standard that exists, which inhibits female sexuality and encourages male sexuality. Writing as women has led them to run â€Å"counter to† their culture and â€Å"against the grain of time† to echo Pounds’ words. Edna St. Vincent Millay’s â€Å"I, Being Born a Woman and Distressed† and Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s â€Å"Sonnet 43† redefine the standards of genre and gender norms. Millay and Browning both revolt against the regularly male sonnet form, they were attracted to its structural affinity to promote gender variance. Browning creates emphasis using ordinary female emotions, while Millay challenges normality of female sexuality. However at the same time there are distinct contrasts apparent, Browning’s poetry has a feminine quality with such passion and sentimentality while Millay’s poetry has a masculine quality, as it resists sentimentality with her ability to look beyond the status quo and her completely opposite lifestyle of love affairs. However, both poets attempt to reconcile with convention while contributing to gender capitalization, hoping to establish diversification equally valid for females. Both are icons for womanhood, both are masters of the sonnet forms and both are nurturers of ambition, independence, outspokenness and flaunting sexuality.

Movie: On Golden Pond

On Golden Pond Cassandra Mclean Central Carolina Community College I would have to admit that this was my first time ever hearing of this movie until this assignment but once I saw it I absolutely fell in love with all the characters and the different dynamics of family. It begins with Norman and Ethel Thayer moving back to their lake house in Maine for the summer. Norman and Ethel have been married a long time and will be celebrating Norman’s eightieth birthday and welcoming back their daughter Chelsea and she brings along her boyfriend Billy Ray and his teenage son Billy Ray Jr.Chelsea asked her parents can Billy jr stay with them while her and Billy go to Europe. When Billy and Chelsea return form Europe she discovers that her dad and Billy have the relationship that she always wanted and decided to confront him and deal with her emotions. Norman Thayer will be eighty years old his next birthday he is suffering from some health problems and have dementia where he is beginni ng to forget things like a photograph that he took years earlier and the road that he been on for years and now can’t remember how to get there.Norman is in between late adulthood and very old age Erikson’s nine stages of psychosocial development says that in late adulthood stage you take stock of your past and in old age you face new sense of self over failing bodies and need of care. Norman is always talking about getting older and dying he has declining cognitive functioning and that makes him irritable and confused.